Well, I Have Gone Over to the Dark Side......
I've been "taking pictures" for fifty years. Yep, fifty! Over that time I have accumulated over 20 cameras, including 2 OM1s with lenses, 2 M2s, 2 Contax G2s, Hexar, Canon Elan, Ricoh GR1, and well....you get the picture. Until a few months ago I had resisted the digital, but finally succumbed and bought a Canon SD400 (shown above without Canon's permission). It is truly a remarkable camera. Since buying the SD400, I have added (all Canon) a 20D, an S80, and the latest an SD700 IS (Hey, just can’t stop buying cameras). Recently purchased 4GB cards that allow about 1,400 snaps at maximum resolution with the SD700. Pretty amazing. The SD400 and SD700 are slightly smaller than a pack of 100-sized cigarettes. And, like a pack of smokes they will fit in a shirt pocket. Photographers no longer have an excuse why they can’t always have a camera with them.
Here are a few taken just after getting the SD400.